Monday, November 13, 2006

The Trouble with Blogging

So it has been about 5 weeks since my last blog. It annoys me that i have not managed to get a blog in over this period, but what does one do when one is working full time 9-5, going about regular business and looking into various aspects of interactive and collaborative technology in the evenings and at weekends. After all one has to have something to blog about.

Plenty has been going on:
* I have had the joys of faciltating in an interactive and collaborative synchronous classroom.
* I've started designing interactive and collaborative activities for synchronous classrooms.
* I've looked deeper into an important aspect of blogging, which is the syndication of a blog using RSS ot ATOM feeds.
*I've discovered the usefuleness of having feedreader software to make viewing your favourite blogs easier to manage.
* I've created my first wiki and have started to look more deeply into this type of collaborative technology.
* As well as fitting further reading in mainly relating to the connectivism theories of George Siemens at elearnspace.
* All this whilst trying to make sense of all the different models and theories of learning and the relationships if any between them.

So you see for me the trouble with blogging is that it is hard to keep up the pace of getting into a subject quite deeply for every blog, so it is quite obvious to me i need blogs like this one that keep you informed of what i am doing and give you an insight of things to come instead of a big monty blog all the time.

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